PLANET Technology Information Day
Prague, May 26, 2003

11:40 - 12:30

Gerry Kelleher (John Moores University, United Kingdom)
Applications of Dynamic Re-scheduling Methodologies

In most practical environments scheduling is an ongoing reactive process within which evolving and changing circumstances continually force reconsideration and revision of existing decisions. In other words, in the real world there is a profound need for the support of rescheduling. Current computer-based scheduling systems often deal poorly (if at all) with this need. Consider a typical scheduling situation - say a job shop - the detailed work plans rarely last for long in the face of the reality of resource deletion, delays, changes in orders or the revision of priorities. The original schedule, and its modified descendants, is often a poor approximation to what is needed to deal with a volatile world.

The talk discusses the use of AI technology for the management of schedules that attempts to realise this aim in real world environment, supporting users in managing mutable schedules that respond to the changing needs of their environment. The talk will explore some of the issues involved in dynamic rescheduling and, using an example from the management of complex logistics chains, describe how these issues can be successfully addressed to achieve significant improvements in performance.
Professor Kelleher started life as an economist, gaining his BSc from the London School of Economics in 1980. After several years in the software industry working on a variety of projects, including advanced planning and scheduling systems, he gained his PhD in Computer Science from Leeds University. Since that time he has taught and researched in both the UK and the Netherlands on various topics in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and the Knowledge Economy. He has published over 100 refereed papers and books on these subjects. Most recently his research has focussed on AI techniques for rapid rescheduling in dynamic and uncertain conditions applied in complex real world environments. These environments include both manufacturing and logistics. Professor Kelleher has been at John Moores University in Liverpool since 1993 where he is currently Pro Vice-Chancellor and member of the university executive. He is an advisor to the NW Regional assembly on Knowledge Economy, has advised the UK government on University/Industry links and Research management and is a non-executive director of several companies.

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